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A request for funding to realise my dream and a unique opportunity for you to get involved in the process. The plan is to build a following first before launching the Kickstarter Funding so please, join the forum and join in the discussion, help promote the book and generate a buzz around this.

Kickstarter Funding Request,

The Travellers is about 50% written, I need your support to take it that final 50%. Your patronage will allow me the time to finish this work to a deadline, it will allow professional editing, it will allow it to be published in the traditional sense as well as being made available as an eBook. Your support will be rewarded with inclusions, alternate endings, rewards and goodies so as much as this work is mine it will also become yours. Hope you can join me on the journey and support it as much as you can.

© 2012/2013 by Maddog Productions

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